Thursday, November 18, 2010

Horus Gets a Memorial

Temple of Horus at Edfu
At the site where they believe that the Horus and Set battle took place, they built a temple in his glory. Starting 237 B.C. a man named Ptolemy III Euagates I started construction of the temple in a small town called Edfu, and finished in 57 B.C. It is mainly made from sandstone bricks. It is the most well preserved temple in all of Egypt. That's more than everything else dedicated to anyone in all of Egypt. It's also the second largest temple in all of Egypt, right behind the Karnak temple. Many other temples were also built on this same location. Apparently they were either knocked down or just broke down.

Dead, But Still Alive

Long after Horus died, he was still worshipped. The Ancient Egyptians made him an everlasting Pharoh. Every time a new Pharoh is chosen they show him envoloped by Horus' wings, as if he was protected by the king of Pharohs.

Somehow the Most Tattoed Symbol in the World

Horus' symbol, The Eye of Horus, is the most tattooed symbol in the world. Why you ask, well I don't know, OK kind of. The symbol ,in Ancient Egyptian times, was a sign that ensured good health. So people believed if you wore this in any kind of way, you'd be healthy all your life no matter what. So you could be around bad stuff and never get sick. They believed that, but don't try it though, might not be pretty. This symbol was often worn by the Pharaohs to keep them in good health so they could rule for a long time.

The Nephew Takes All

After Horus grew up, under the protection of his mother, he went off to find Set so he could reclaim the throne that was rightfully his. When he found him, he convinced him to meet with him and the major gods to decide who gets the throne. Horus made a very convincing case that since he was the original king's son, that he should inherit it. Most gods agreed except for one, Ra. Ra wanted Set to be the king because he stronger and something schmancy and cool. The gods decided to have a feast to decide over who gets the crown. During it, Isis tricked Set into admitting the the son of a family keeps the father's belonging is he dies. So like the gullible lil' god he was, he was outraged by the trickery and declared war on Horus to decide who wins ( I love that choice). So they both gathered armies and attacked each other countless times for 80 years, that's a lot of bloodshed( afterwards the desert was red instead of yellow, or gold, or whatever it is, idk) After that time Horus challenged Set to a duel, but Horus had to go to where he was. So Isis gave him a gold boat to travel on. When Horus neared, Set( for some reason as a big, red, hippo) jumped out of the water and attacked Horus' boat, when Set neared the boat, Horus threw a large harpoon that broke in to his head( that will make him more red) and killed him instantly. After his victory, Horus went back to the palace and took a nap on one of the beds( I would've too).

Killer Hide-n-Seek

When Horus was a little tike, his mother,Isis, hid him in the desert away from his evil uncle. The uncle,Set, killed his father/king of Egypt/ Osiris, so Isis feared that he might want to finish the job. Since Horus was so little he had no idea what the heck was going on. He was mostly safe from Set, but he wasn't safe from the desert.One day when Isis was gone, Horus got bit by a poisonous scorpion, when Isis came back from whatever she was doing, she noticed what happened and told Thoth to heal him. So Thoth did his thing and healed Horus and he felt much better. Ever since Horus had no problem and grew up, training to comfront his uncle, Set. DUN DUN DUN DUUUNNN!!!!!!